Share This Article: Copy to clipboard Copied Blog THE RISE OF ECO-HOMES <style> <!– @import url(“”);@import url(“”);.sayu-ig .button {text-decoration: none;} .sayu-ig a {text-decoration: underline;} .sayu-ig h2 {border-bottom: 0 !important;} –> </style> <script src=”” type=”text/javascript”> //<![CDATA[ //]]> </script> <script type=”text/javascript”> //<![CDATA[ WebFont.load({ google: { families: [“Open Sans:300,300italic,400,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic”] }}); //]]> </script> <div class=”sayu-ig”> <div> <div class=”div-block”> <div class=”div-block-2″> <div class=”div-block-3″> <h1 class=”hh1″>The Rise of <strong class=”bold-text-6″>Eco-Homes</strong></h1></div></div> <h2 class=”hh2″>What are... Ler mais » Share This Article: Copy to clipboard Copied <style> <!– @import url(“”);@import url(“”);.sayu-ig .button {text-decoration: none;} .sayu-ig a {text-decoration: underline;} .sayu-ig h2 {border-bottom: 0 !important;} –> </style> <script src=”” type=”text/javascript”> //<![CDATA[ //]]> </script> <script type=”text/javascript”> //<![CDATA[ WebFont.load({ google: { families: [“Open Sans:300,300italic,400,400italic,600,600italic,700,700italic,800,800italic”] }}); //]]> </script> <div class=”sayu-ig”> <div> <div class=”div-block”> <div class=”div-block-2″> <div class=”div-block-3″> <h1 class=”hh1″>The Rise of <strong class=”bold-text-6″>Eco-Homes</strong></h1></div></div> <h2 class=”hh2″>What are the benefits of eco-homes?</h2> <p class=”main-text top”><em class=”italic-text”>Eco homes may previously have been considered a fad, but with the rising evidence of climate change, they are becoming increasingly more sought after. Not only can they benefit the environment, but they can save you money too.</em></p> <div class=”columns-3 w-row”> <div class=”column-5 w-col w-col-6 w-col-small-6″><img src=”” width=”1258″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 46vw, (max-width: 991px) 47vw, 312px” alt=”” class=”image-12″ /></div> <div class=”column-6 w-col w-col-6 w-col-small-6″><img src=”” width=”1258″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 46vw, (max-width: 991px) 47vw, 312px” alt=”” class=”image-12″ /></div></div><img src=”” width=”3959″ alt=”” class=”image-15″ /></div></div> <div> <div class=”div-block-5″> <h2 class=”hh2 black”>What makes a home eco-friendly?</h2> <p class=”main-text top black”><strong class=”bold-text-7″>There are so many factors which make up the eco part of an eco-home. Sustainability is one, but what does that mean?</strong><br /> <br /> Providing renewable energy is part of having a sustainable home. The design of the building itself can help to keep heat inside, or prevent the cold from getting in, which in turn requires less energy to heat. Older buildings weren’t built with these issues as a priority, as the environment wasn’t at the forefront of people’s concerns, the way it is today.<br /> </p><img src=”” width=”1051″ alt=”” class=”image-13″ /><img src=”” width=”2591″ srcset=” 500w, 684w” sizes=”(max-width: 991px) 100vw, 684px” alt=”” class=”image-14″ /></div></div> <div> <div class=”div-block”> <h2 class=”hh2″>How do you make your home eco-friendly?</h2> <p class=”main-text top”>It’s not feasible for everyone to move to a newly built home and leave numerous empty buildings standing empty, but there are still ways you can make your home more energy-efficient.<br /> <br /> Insulation can help to reduce the need for heating and over time, saving money on your bills and recovering the cost of installation. Although, in some cases, this is free or reduced to certain groups of people, based on income and circumstances.<em class=”italic-text”><br /> </em></p> <div class=”columns-3 w-row”> <div class=”column-5 w-col w-col-6 w-col-small-6″><img src=”” width=”1258″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 46vw, (max-width: 991px) 47vw, 312px” alt=”” class=”image-12″ /></div> <div class=”column-6 w-col w-col-6 w-col-small-6″><img src=”” width=”1258″ srcset=” 500w, 800w” sizes=”(max-width: 479px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 46vw, (max-width: 991px) 47vw, 312px” alt=”” class=”image-12″ /></div></div><img src=”” width=”5079″ alt=”” /></div></div> <div> <div class=”div-block-5″> <h2 class=”hh2 black”>Things you can do every day</h2> <p class=”main-text top black”>Most households recycle to some degree, but you can cut down further on waste by thinking more about the food you buy. Notice any patterns in the food you regularly waste and either reduce or cut it from your shopping list altogether. While some households have a separate bin for food waste, it’s better for the environment and your pocket, not to waste it at all. If you don’t have a recycling bin though, consider getting one.<br /> </p> <div class=”columns-4 w-row”> <div class=”column-7 w-col w-col-6″><img src=”” alt=”” class=”image-16 _2″ /> <p class=”main-text para”>When drying clothes, always hang them outside whenever possible, only using the dryer as a last resort. Then ensure that you have added a filter to the dryer to improve its efficiency. You can also use dryer balls as a longer-lasting alternative to dryer sheets.<br /> </p></div> <div class=”column-8 w-col w-col-6″><img src=”” alt=”” class=”image-16″ /> <p class=”main-text para”>Make sure you clean the fridge thoroughly, both inside and underneath, which can also mean the fridge doesn’t need to use more energy to keep food cold. Also, when buying new appliances, ensure they have a good energy efficiency rating.<br /> </p></div></div> <div class=”columns-4 w-row”> <div class=”column-7 w-col w-col-6″><img src=”” alt=”” class=”image-16 _1″ /> <p class=”main-text para”>When cleaning your home, cut up old clothes which you would have otherwise thrown away. Use then as an alternative to paper towels. They can be washed and reused numerous times.<br /> </p></div> <div class=”column-8 w-col w-col-6″><img src=”” alt=”” class=”image-16 _1″ /> <p class=”main-text para”>Never use the dishwasher unless it’s full. Better still, ditch the dishwasher and wash by hand.<br /> </p></div></div><img src=”” width=”3181″ srcset=” 500w, 684w” sizes=”(max-width: 991px) 100vw, 684px” alt=”” class=”image-14″ /></div></div> <div> <div class=”div-block”> <p class=”main-text”>Other things you can try include using low energy lightbulbs (if you don’t already), upgrading to a smart thermostat to control the temperatures when you’re out (perfect if you’re likely to leave the house and forget to turn it down or off) and try turning down the water heater slightly if the hot tap seems to be running too hot.<br /> <br /> Not only will these things help the environment but many of them will also save you money on bills too. You can help the environment further by switching to online bills, to cut down on paper use. Most people only need one or two recent paper bills occasionally, as forms of I.D. Beyond that it’s a waste of paper.<br /> <br /> <strong class=”bold-text-8″>If you are thinking of going eco-friendly, why not opt for organic materials such as </strong><a href=”″ target=”_blank” class=”link-7″><strong class=”bold-text-9″>Egyptian cotton bed linen</strong></a><strong class=”bold-text-10″> and </strong><a href=”″ target=”_blank” class=”link-8″><strong class=”bold-text-11″>organic cotton bedding and towels</strong></a><strong>.</strong><em class=”italic-text”><br /> </em></p></div></div></div> Share This Story: Copy to clipboard Copied